Our Story

Who is Children's Book Awards

Shortly after I graduated from college in 2007, I got into non-profit organisations because of the opportunity to work on earthquake relief, and soon started a non-profit organisation that collects folk rhymes and folktales, which I've been working on for more than ten years, until today.

I know how important a good story is to children! And a good book is usually a good story told to more children - it's the spiritual food that fills childhood!

That's why I started Children's Book Awards, a website dedicated to tracking down and collecting all the award-winning children's books from all over the world, like stringing together countless jewels.

I hope that parents and children from all over the world will meet every good book here!


In 2024, while keeping the existing awards updated, we will add children's book awards data from ten more major countries, including China, Japan, Korea, France, etc., and provide extended services to the public, including paid subscriptions.

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https://childrensbookawards.com Download flycampus@gmail.com @mingxia